You’re Educated

Intelligence many probably read or hear or even say that word and automatically assume it describes someone as smart.

This passage was all about intelligence. It starts off with the author talking about how he scored so high on a test for the military and everyone freaked out about it. For years he always scored high on tests like this because he wanted to be viewed as smart.

He thought he was better than other if he was smarter and could score higher than them on the tests. Then he came to the realization that he may be book or academically intelligent but not with everything. He always went to this one guy who in his words ” could never score more than an 80 on an intelligence test”, but he always went to him.

He then thought if someone who was intelligent in things that he wasn’t made a test he would fail and look and actually be a moron in those categories.

This reading really made me think about intelligence because I have definitely never been intelligent with academia, but life wise I have way more experience and intelligence with because of all I have been through.  This passage made me think well intelligence does not only describe book smart but you can be intelligent in any subject as long as you know a good chunk of it.

But if that is the case then what is intelligence really? Does is really exist? or are people just super knowledgeable in certain subjects that not everyone else is?

This reading was definitely food for thought for me.

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