
How do we know what we know and do is right? Evidence gives us proof that what we say is right or is wrong. But evidence is not always what it seems. In this article we learn that most of what we come up with and think is bias and we come up with it based on things we have only seen. You can say all swans are white, which to you is true because that is all you have seen but in another country someone has spotted a black swan which means they are not all white. We tend to come uo with logical things on our own based on our own understanding. Reasoning is our evidence. There is two types of reasoning inductive and deductive.

We learn when we are little that light comes from light switches and that if a light is turned on we  will look around to see who turned it on. We come up with evidence on our own based on our knowledge and things we have seen and come to know. While someone can say all pit bulls are evil because everyone they have encountered and heard stories about is a mean untrained dog yet , I know they are not all evil because I own one and she is the most loving dog I have personally ever encountered. This is an example of inductive reasoning which is based on experience and makes us human beings.

With inductive reasoning we are not always right because we do not go based on all facts that can be looked at we go based on facts about what we have seen but we can not see all. We do not know all. With this type of reasoning we are more likely to look at a good probability of that same thing happening again.

People will argue that there evidence is right yet sometimes int he midst of arguments you find evidence that counters your own. We can take a simple quiz like the one in the reading and know all the answers right away based on what we know but if a computer were to take that same quiz it would come up with different answers. This happens because a computer thinks of every possible answer and outcome when us humans do not. We don’t think of all the answers because we go based off the things we have seen and the logic behind them.

Evidence is can prove your point or prove another persons point.




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